Fast and Accurate to Save Lives.
Fast and Accurate to Save Lives.
The ReACT! ACT-ONE Controller allows for immediate communication of important information. Skip the confusion of learning to operate new software and send messages with just the push of a button.
The ACT-ONE Controller eliminates wasted time during emergencies by providing a quick and intuitive method of dispatching methods to ReACT! signs. A simple push of a button activates an alert in all signs and triggers a lockdown–all under 2 seconds.
Unique Features
Immediate Lockdown
Built-In Web Server
Lock all doors and turn off lights as an extra security measure when sending alerts to individual signs.
Setup and control ACT-ONE with remote devices through HTTP by using any standard web browser.
Built-In System Testing
Earthquake Alert Integration
System tests allow for school and public officials to perform maintenance checks and drills.
ACT-ONE can be integrated with wireless earthquake alert systems, receiving predictive signals and providing ample warning for evacuation.
Find out how ReACT! can save lives in your community. Contact us today.